Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our focus and guiding questions

Title of project:___World Weather Disasters_______
Focus of project:__  to research on World Weather Disasters to try to prevent them from happening

Names of members
Sean Lee:
Nicholas Seet:
Sean Tng:
Shawn Lee:

Guiding Question 1

How do disasters occur?

How to prevent disasters?
How to evacuate during disasters?
How to educate people about disasters?

Guiding Question 2

How do other countries detect natural disasters?

How do we help the disaster victims?
What are the after-shocks of people?
How do we teach people to avoid disasters?

Guiding Question 3

Where are the sources of disasters?

What are the causes of disasters?
How do people help the disaster struck countries?
How do we build structures to save the victims from any disasters?

Guiding Question 4

How do the disasters affect people?

How do we prepare for the people for evacuation?
What are the rates of the injured and the dead?
How do we allow people who do not want to leave to leave?

Our idea of a product to be created for the project:
__A sensor to detect weird weather patterns so that we can evacuate before disasters strike.______________________________________


Blogger Mrs Neo said...

I am encouraged by the team for taking the initiative to get Week 4 work done despite the day being a off day. Keep it up!

Next Challenge for every member is to post your reflection promptly for each week, now that we've eased the blogging problem.

February 1, 2010 at 5:01 PM  

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